Mgr. Jakub Kabát

CzELA member

Senior Associate at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang, advokáti, v.o.s.

+420 724 826 871

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Jakub Kabát is a senior associate at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang. Jakub has an extensive experience in employment terminations, employee benefits and remuneration schemes, transfers of employees, internal investigations, employment litigations, employee privacy or contractual relationships with senior managerial employees and executives.

Jakub graduated from the Faculty of Law at Charles University in Prague, also studied at the Barcelona Law Faculty, and speaks English and Spanish.

Membership of professional societies

  • Czech Bar Association 
  • Employers - large and multinational companies

  • Employers - small and medium companies

  • Managers and executives

  • Employees

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My main specializations